Teach one center at a time while being explicit with your teaching. Revisit this center for a few days. Once you are certain your students can control the center independently, add on a new center. Repeat.
It is important that your centers are meaningful and authentic. It's not just busy work. It is meaningful work that supports their learning about literacy. NO WORKSHEETS! They fail you time and time again. Learning skills in isolation does not teach a reader how to read. There are SO many great center ideas in the Fountas and Pinnell Phonics books! Use them to back up the skills that you've already taught. Don't overthink your centers. You can keep many of the same centers just change out the principle for the week. I'm looking forward to incorporating poetry and technology in my centers this year...more to come on that!
What are your favorite centers to use with your students? Some that I think I will start with this year are:
*Independent Reading
*Browsing Boxes
*Read Around the Room
*Listening Center
*Poetey Center
*Magnetic Letters
*Various Phonics Centers
(Start simple...)
Things to Remember:
1.Take your time (go slow to go fast...)
2. Be explicit with your teaching
3. Retech
4. There is nothing too small to teach and revisit
5. Don't teach a new center until you are certain your students can control the previous one(s).
6. Keep them meaningful and authentic. No WORKSHEETS
7. Don't overthink them